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TMart's Cloud ID Gallery

I have been photographically documenting clouds for over two decades.  The variation and structure amaze me and I hope with these images, you can appreciate some of the beauty of  the natural world.  Clouds are frequently classified based on the elevation of the condensation level or cloud base.  In this case High, Middle and Low altitude clouds.    Below is a selection of my personal collection of cloud images with an effort to display individual examples.  Frequently clouds appear in more complex combinations.   Take some time to scroll through  the gallery and enjoy the sky above.  

High Altitude Clouds   Condensation level above 6,000 m

Contrail Clouds

Contrails are clouds made of ice crystals  that typically form around the condensation nuclei produced by high altitude jet airplanes.

Cirrus Clouds

Cirrus clouds are made of ice crystals .   Often  blown by high altitude winds, they take on a wispy  or curly appearance much like blown hair.

Cirrocumulus Clouds

Cirrocumulus clouds are among the highest altitude of the common types of clouds.   They are made of ice crystals and often have a puffy or ribbed texture.   sometimes they appear as fish scales.   They may be identified as the smallest cumulo-form clouds (smaller than a finger held at arms length.)

Cirrostratus Clouds

Cirrostratus clouds are also ice clouds.  They appear as other cirrus clouds and they cover a larger portion of the sky.  They may be identified by clearly seeing the sun or moon and often circumscribed by a ring or accompanied by other colorful atmospheric phenomenon.

Middle Altitude Clouds    Condensation level between 2,000 and 6,000m

Altocumulus Clouds

Altocumulus are middle altitude small "puffy" clouds that typically cover a large portion of the sky.  They often show dramatic colors at sunrise or sunset.  

Altostratus Clouds

Altostratus clouds form a high blanket of white / grey clouds that cover the sky.  They are often identified by seeing other clouds below or by being able to see the general location of the Sun, but not seeing it directly.